Smith's Rosebud [香港官方行貨] 美國萬用玫瑰花蕾霜 (罐裝) SR01 Smith's Rosebud Original Salve (Tin)



百年歷史,成份天然 適合嬰兒及成人使用 淨重:0.8oz/22g (罐裝) 含棉籽油及特選精華油 滋潤性高,針對乾燥或敏感皮膚,可作護膚霜及護唇霜使用 有效改善尿疹,奶癬,濕疹及一般敏感等嬰兒常見的皮膚問題 美國製造 多重功效: 玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚及護唇霜、於旅遊時可用作眼部卸妝、軟化肌膚、舒緩曬傷部位、滋潤乾燥肌膚及令乾旱髮質平易貼服。 化妝用途: 輕抹玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚及護唇霜可保雙唇水漾嫩滑,塗在眉毛或蓬鬆飛起的頭髮可令它們順服亮澤。在顴骨、鎖骨、肩膊或身體其他部位塗上玫瑰花蕾膏可滋潤乾燥肌膚。掃上眼影前,先在眼窩輕塗一層玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚及護唇霜打底,具有定妝的效果。 舒緩作用: 玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚及護唇霜有效舒緩因尿疹、奶癬、牛皮癬、禿頭和頭皮乾燥所帶來的不適及癢痛。於睡前將玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚厚厚的搽在腳踭和手踭上、柔潤呵護乾燥肌膚。 玫瑰花蕾多功能護膚及護唇霜亦能緩和凍傷、風傷、蟲咬的不適及可舒緩因漂染後化學品令頭皮痕癢的情況。 Superb brand with over 100-years history Net weight: 0.8oz/22g (Tin) Suitable for all ages Excellent treatment of minor rashes, skin irritations, and allergic reliable especially for babies' diaper rash and rash on face and body superb lip balm that smoothes dry lips or chapped skin Acts as a natural-looking lip gloss For the relief of pimples, can be used under makeup or as a face moisturizer Made in USA It is a beauty product you cannot be without. It's great to use lightly under makeup for a special glow. Apply at night on your face, throat and neck for super moisturizing. It's easily absorbed into the skin and works all night and is safe to dab around the eyes. Also, it is an excellent remedy for the treatment of DIAPER RASH and minor skin irritations for babies. G.F. Smith always said that it was the best thing for healing diaper rash on the market. Suitable for babies to adults.

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