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Smith's Rosebud Salve 於1895年創立,獲頒授美國特級品牌,至今逾百年歷史,為美國最受歡迎及銷售最佳的護膚/護唇霜。成份天然,性質溫和,受國際名人選用。含棉籽油及特選精華油,滋潤性高,潤而不膩,針對乾燥或敏感皮膚,可作護膚霜及護唇霜使用,並有效改善尿疹,奶癬,濕疹及食物敏感等嬰兒常見的皮膚問題。並可作軟化死皮,鎮定紅疹,小傷口或塗於身體任何乾燥如手肘部位作潤護之用,全家老少及嬰兒都適合使用。
除了是一款能夠撫平乾燥唇部的保濕霜,自然的唇彩和唇膏,它仍然是家庭的最愛。有助於緩解乾裂,修改瑕疵,鎮靜及治愈皮膚過敏,並舒緩輕微燒傷的刺痛。另外,它是一個不可缺少的美容產品。在化妝使用時會有光澤感。而在晚上塗抹於臉部,喉嚨和頸部,會發現顯著的保濕效果。Smith's Rosebud Salve 很容易被皮膚吸收,並且可以安全地輕拍眼睛。
港澳總代理 信心保證
保證100% 正貨 新貨空運抵港
Smith's Rosebud Salve Since 1895, to being a wonderful lip moisturizer smooths dry lips, natural-looking lip gloss and lipstick base, it is still a family favorite to aid in the relief of chapped and rough skin, blemishes, calms, and heals skin irritation & allergic, and soothes the sting of minor burns. Try dabbing on dry elbows or knees to condition, and relieve dryness.
For more, it is a beauty product you cannot be without. It's great to use lightly under makeup for a special glow. Apply at night on your face, throat and neck for super moisturizing. It's easily absorbed into the skin and works all night and is safe to dab around the eyes.
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