Smith's Rosebud [香港官方行貨] 美國萬用玫瑰花蕾霜/萬用薄荷花蕾霜 - 套裝 0.8oz/22g (罐裝) SR01 & SR02 Smith's Rosebud Original Salve/ Mentholated Salve Set 0.8oz/22g (Tin)




Smith's Rosebud 美國老牌萬用玫瑰花蕾霜 含棉籽油及特選精華油 滋潤性高,針對乾燥或敏感皮膚,可作護膚霜及護唇霜使用 有效改善尿疹,奶癬,濕疹及一般敏感等嬰兒常見的皮膚問題 Smith's Rosebud 美國老牌萬用薄荷花蕾霜 含薄荷油及特選精華油 滋潤性高,針對乾燥或敏感皮膚,可作護膚霜及護唇霜使用 有效改善蚊叮蟲咬及一般皮膚痕癢 可舒緩因傷風感冒引致之鼻塞,舒緩壓力,太陽灼傷及暈船浪等 Smith's Rosebud Original Salve 1. Mild cooling salve that is very soothing to use for the relief of minor skin irritations associated with allergies, minor burns, rash, insect stings and after sunburn 2. The best relief for sore-red-dry-itchy nose caused by colds for kids and adults 3. A wonderful lip moisturizer for chapped lips, face and hands 4. Apply it on the forehead for releasing stress Smith's Rosebud Mentholated Salve 1. Mild cooling salve that is very soothing to use for the relief of minor skin irritations associated with allergies, minor burns, rash, insect stings and after sunburn 2. The best relief for sore-red-dry-itchy nose caused by colds for kids and adults 3. A wonderful lip moisturizer for chapped lips, face and hands 4. Apply it on the forehead for releasing stress

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