Smith's Rosebud [香港官方行貨] 薄荷玫瑰護唇霜 (罐裝) SR04 Smith's Rosebud Minted Rose Lip Balm (Tin)



百年歷史,成份天然 淨重:0.8oz/22g (罐裝) 含薄荷玫瑰油及特選精華油 滋潤性高,不油不膩,針對乾燥唇部 含清新薄荷玫瑰味 美國製造 Superb brand with over 100-years history Net weight: 0.8oz/22g (Tin) Moisturize, gloss, and subtly plump your lips The essential oils protect, moisturize and heal while the peppermint is anti-inflammatory Massage into tired feet, calloused heels and elbows to soothe and soften Massage into neck, shoulders, and stiff muscles to relieve stiffness and soreness Rub into the forehead for aroma therapeutic relaxation and stimulation Made in USA
